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Who we are

Kolfarma was born in 2009 from research carried out at the University of Genoa on the potential anti-epileptic effect of a milk whey protein, Alpha -Lactalbumin (ALAC) .

Results obtained from clinical studies of serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant drugs on epileptic patients lead to the search for another way to increase the synthesis of serotonin in the central nervous system (CNS), and not its time of action as reported for these drugs. ALAC is identified for this action

The commitment of Kolfarma is to promote studies to understand how the modulation of microbiota may affect the functioning of other organs, main concern for the brain .

Not only that, Kolfarma also promotes the dissemination of new knowledge by promoting congresses, workshops, webinars, conferences also aimed at the population.


The invitations received by Paolo Mainardi to participate in numerous events on various aspects of medicine allow him to delve deeper into the role of the microbiota not only on the control of epileptic seizures but also on other disorders, especially pediatric ones also behavioral.


Kolfarma has a strong historical relationship with SINP (Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology), has financed and finances clinical and experimental studies and retrospective analyzes of medical records.

For years it has been a sponsor of national conferences, webinars and regional conferences.

His strong interest in research differentiates it from other companies and has set up an advisory board among SINP researchers, with whom to discuss and carry out research projects.